Single Family House for Sale in North Side Chicago Il

Property Italy

5,561 houses and apartments for auction

Property Italy

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Property Europe

Italia belongings

Italia Mi Amor!In a gondola, or on a Vespa, nosotros tin can motility from Saint Mark's square to the Colosseum and the wealth of the Italian heritage, whether on the historical or the gastronomical level, speaks for itself: from the ceilings in the Sistine Chapel to the cathedrals of Milan, from Parma ham to fresh pasta, Italy is delightful in its diversity. Whether we prefer the peace and quiet of the back country, the dolce vita of Rome, or the beaches of Sardinia, the landscapes offering a palette of exquisite colors and dissimilar opportunities to buy a house in Italy. Property in Italy is in fact an platonic investment. Easy access, its Mediterranean climate, its cultural wealth and its diversity volition convince you!

  • Tuscany
  • Apulia
  • Umbria
  • Marche
  • Liguria
  • Sardinia
  • The Piedmont

Tuscany property

Nestling at the heart of Italy, the Tuscany region is overflowing with marvels. Invest in old belongings and purchase a business firm in Tuscany will requite you the chance to live in unique landscapes where olive groves are scattered effectually the hillsides alongside the famous Chianti vineyards. You lot volition have the occasion to attempt some, while visiting Florence: birthplace of the arts during the Renaissance, the capital of Tuscany is marked by the presence of the Medicis. The other towns also have a lot to offer: nosotros admit that we have a leaning for the Tower of Pisa, or an irresistible urge to see horse races in Sienna. The Tuscany dream drives property investment in Tuscany, which enables you to become a good return on investment if y'all want to buy a firm or apartment at that place.

Apartments and houses for sale in Tuscany

Apulia holding

The heel of the boot can exist destabilizing with its colors and its heat. Colors from 2 seas that border the region, from its wild coastline to its different nature parks which exit plenty of space for nature. The region is a blend of various influences: Normans, Greeks and Sarrasins have all left their marker here. From the white 'Trulli' houses, listed by the UNESCO heritage program, to the coastal villages of Ostuni, the choice of holding is immense. It is hard not to be tempted and buy a house in Apulia. Even more than so, because property prices in Apulia are very interesting: the southward of Italy remains the least expensive region for property investment.

Apartments and houses for auction in Apulia

Umbria belongings

Rich in vineyards and olive groves, Umbria has an of import cultural heritage equally the boondocks of Perugia bears witness, marked by both the Roman and medieval period. At the heart of the boot, Umbria is a blend of magnificent landscapes, thousand year onetime cities, and picturesque villages. This is an ideal backdrop for buying a house there. Many medieval villages are scattered throughout the hills, where oil and wine are produced that go and so well with the famous charcuterie or black truffles, typical of the region. Belongings in Umbria is bonny and authentic and remains more affordable that in neighbouring Tuscany. So what are you waiting for to purchase a house in Umbria?

Apartments and houses for sale in Umbria

Holding in Le Marche

Sirolo embankment, Le Marche Unusual and harmonious, the Marche region consists mainly of mountains and hills that sweep down towards the Adriatic Sea. Nature reigns here with its many parks and nature reserves which offer scenic landscapes and a remarkable flora and fauna. It's a paradise for ramblers and ornithologists. On the coast, long beaches of fine sand and crystal clear waters delight bathers and divers. But it is also a region with a rich heritage of fine art and history. Ancona, a former Greek and then Roman colony, is proof of this. Not to mention the many archaeological sites, museums and churches that line its roads. In short, a region to discover if you haven't washed so already. And to exercise just that what could be better than buying an apartment, house or a plot of state? For the real manor market in Le Marche has all types of property at various price ranges.

Apartments and houses for sale in Marche

Property in Le Marche

Holding in Le Marche

Liguria belongings

Close to the ocean, Liguria too offers rolling green hillsides: its 300 kilometer coastline is a mix of golf courses, palm groves, blossom beds and the famous 'Cinque Terre' with its beautifully breathtaking port villages. Genoa, offset Italian port and capital of the region has keept a strong Greek flavor. The medieval castle of Porto Venere completes this picture of the historic heritage of Liguria. A region of pesto, it is a blend of worldly life and relaxation. Property in Liguria is diverse and varied. A beach side villa, a country firm, or an apartment most a golf game form, you will have a wide choice if you would similar to buy a house in Liguria.

Apartments and houses for auction in Liguria

Property in Sardinia

Bay of Cala Corsara, Sardinia Can nosotros talk of THE Sardinia? Because at that place are in outcome, two Sardinias, 2 unlike universes united on a single island. At that place is inland Sardinia, timeless, with its harsh landscapes, wild mountains and valleys, cork oak forests and centuries-old olive trees. And and then at that place is coastal Sardinia ,with seaside resorts, the bluish of the sky and sea, enchanting beaches and space possibilities for activities and entertainment. Essentially, two opposing worlds that have one thing in common: fidelity to traditions, the near sacred of which is hospitality. For here hospitality comes naturally. If this duality and a sincere welcome seduce you, accept a look at the real estate of Sardinia. Yous'll observe many properties for auction, plots of country, apartments or houses, including some at unbeatable prices.

Apartments and houses for sale in Sardinia

Property in Sardinia

Property in Sardinia

Belongings in Piedmont

Treiso and Langhe vineyards, Piedmont Situated at the foot of the Alps, equally the name suggests, and watered by the Po, Piedmont is a vast region with mountains, plains and hills dotted with vineyards, some of which are classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It's a region which is rich from both a natural and cultural perspective. Hundreds of acres of national parks, regional parks or reserves provide repose and unspoilt scenery. Many cities have preserved of import remains of the Roman era and Turin is home to an extraordinary Egyptian museum. Why non invest in this region which attracts so many tourists with its magnificent landscapes, ski resorts and spa towns? For there is a buoyant property market in Piedmont with many apartments for auction, or expert sized villas, including some at unbeatable prices.

Apartments and houses for sale in The Piedmont

Property in Piedmont

Property in Piedmont

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