What Does the Poem How Can We Be Free by Tupac Mean


Poetic Panther: A expect at Poetry past Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur was an creative person of many talents. He was a Hip-Hop sensation and even he younger generation can discover enjoyment in his music. In the introduction of The Rose That grew From Concrete, Leila Steinberg writes: "Tupac felt that through art we could incite a new revolution that incorporated the heart, mind, torso, spirit, and soul. He wanted his art to instill honesty, integrity, and respect" (19). Tupac saw art every bit a way to reverberate on issues at mitt. He felt that art could help people bargain with the difficulties in their lives; Tupac was specially interested in mixing fine art with education. "By combining fine art with education, Tupac felt we could begin to heal social club's pain and confusion" (xix).

Tupac wasn't only a rapper, he was as well a poet who sought to change the world with his art and we see that in the poems he's written. Everyone knows Tupac the rapper, but I find that but fans know his poesy. It wasn't until 1999 that his poetry was first published, and I accept found a new respect for the man every bit an artist. His poetry is confessional poesy and in information technology you can understand struggles that immature blackness men faced. Through his poetry he allows you into his heed and soul, and becomes an open up book to his readers. So let's get to know Tupac the poet and not judge him for beingness the 'gangster rapper' the media had portrayed him to be.

One of my favorite poems is "Sometimes I Cry" because information technology's a vulnerable poem that allows you to become emotional for the writer. After reading the verse form I felt saddened that a person would take no 1 to turn to when they cried. Crying alone or internally is a painful thing to feel and no ane should take to, you feel overwhelmed by your emotions and like the world has given up on y'all. I think this poem too shines low-cal on how our club doesn't stop enough to understand with others or care to acquire their struggle.

Sometimes I Cry Sometimes when I'k lonely I cry because I'm on my ain The tears I cry R bitter and warm They flow with life but accept no form I cry considering my middle is torn and I detect it difficult ii behave on If I had an ear ii confide in I would cry among my treasured friends Merely who do u know that stops that long to help another deport on The world moves fast and it would rather pass u past than 2 terminate and c what makes u cry Information technology'southward powerful and sad and sometimes I cry and no one cares about why p. seven

What I like nigh this poem is that anyone tin can relate. White, blackness, purple, green this verse form sees no color only sadness; sadness for the 1 crying alone and sadness for a guild that doesn't seem to intendance. Our order today are too consumed with social media to stop and experience real human connections and I recall every bit a club we could utilize a poem like this today. Information technology illustrates how people intendance less and less about the emotions of others and simply focus on how they experience, it'due south really selfish.


Another poem that I discover captivating is "Untitled". It speaks volumes and I believe gives a vox to a race looking for hope. This poem shows something that young black men struggle with, their environment and how to rise when their civilisation is being glossed over equally insignificant. With lines like "But now like a nightmare I wake 2 c / That I live like a prisoner of poverty" and "4 I would rather be stricken blind / than 2 live without expression of heed" this poem has a mode of drawing readers in and sparking something in them that says rise higher up what y'all think you are and become what you know you are. Tupac was a man who sought to alter the earth with his words and I love that he wanted to evidence other young black people that they aren't lone. I believe that some of the immature black men today could use this and grow from this. We live in a society now where we have more and more than single moms trying to practice it all and unfortunately some young people of today become lost in the cracks. In the course rooms there isn't plenty focus beingness paid on how to become through to the kids, instead the teachers just pass them without even getting to know their story. Teachers now need to go the extra mile to help mold these immature people after all they are with them for a good viii hours a day.


Please wake me when I'm free

I cannot bear captivity

where my culture I'k told holds no significance

I'll wither and die in ignorance

Just my inner centre tin can c a race

who reigned every bit kings in some other place

the green of trees were rich and total

and every man spoke of cute

men and women together as equals

War was gone because all was peaceful

Just now like a nightmare I wake 2 c

That I live similar a prisoner of poverty

Please wake me when I'm complimentary

I cannot bear captivity

4 I would rather be stricken blind

than 2 live without expression of mind p.15

What I relish almost this poem is the message of hope. Promise that things will change, that people will come across the importance of other cultures and races. Information technology's a beautiful poem about knowing what your culture tin be, but having these obstacles continuing in the fashion. It's as if he was unable to reach his full potential because of the world's view of his culture. I call back it'southward a powerful poem that illustrates how a human of Tupac'south background views his globe. It allows us into his mind to see things through his optics.

Tupac Changes

Tupac is a beautiful poet who seemed to have a romantic soul, two of his poems help to illustrate this romantic essence. "The Mutual Heartache" and "A Love Unspoken" are two poems that take a Shakespearean presence in them. When I read these 2 poems I go a Romeo and Juliet vibe, a forbidden beloved. "The Mutual Heartache" is more of the forbidden love and why these 2 lovers shouldn't be together. They are from ii different worlds, the man is a hard rough character who e'er seems to be fighting a boxing and he wants to keep this life from his lover. While his lover is more innocent and naïve, she claims to know about his earth simply is blinded by her dearest. She wants and so badly to fit into his world, simply knows she can't. In lines 5-eight Tupac writes: "u talk every bit I exercise but however u don't / empathize when I mumble / u c as I do but your vision is / blurred past naivete" (page 49). Here he is saying that fifty-fifty though it looks as if Juliet comes from Romeo's world she is far from information technology. She is like him in some means, merely their differences over shadow because of her innocence. Then he continues in lines ix-14, to show us how their differences will separate them and why their heartache is necessary. He writes: "This is the barrier that separates u.s.a. / I cannot cross yet / There is 2 much of me that / would frighten u so I live in / heartache because we cannot / fully explore this beloved and / what of your heartache" (p. 49). Here Romeo character is explaining to his lover why they wouldn't work he is the monster under her bed that would frighten her if she saw his true class. The divergence between these star crossed lovers and Romeo and Juliet is that these ii chose to part and live with their heartache, where Romeo and Juliet chose to die and let their love live eternally in their death. The other poem that illustrates this star crossed lover idea is "A Love Unspoken". In this verse form the love that is illustrated is 1 of secrecy, much like the love Romeo and Juliet's in its birth. The verse form illustrates the struggle of a secret love, and not giving it a label or name. Tupac likewise asks the question, should a lover unlock their dear, their human relationship or should they continue a romance of secrecy.

A Beloved Unspoken

What of a love unspoken? Is information technology weaker without a proper name?

Does this love deserve 2 exist without a title

because I dare not share its name

Does that brand me cruel and cold

two deny the world of my salvation

because I chose 2 let information technology grow

People tend 2 asphyxiate

that which they practice not understand

Why shouldn't I exist weary

and withhold this love from MAN

What of a beloved unspoken

no one always knows

Simply this is a dearest that lasts

and in secrecy information technology grows p. 53

This is a beautiful verse form of dearest and it's intriguing to read it from a man that led an interesting life. It gives u.s.a. a new perspective of him, a romantic at heart. In this poem he seems to be pinning over his lover and he has many poems in his volume that illustrate all kinds of love.

Tupac Keep Your Caput Upwards

In a fashion, Tupac was also a poet of politics. Many of his poems illustrated the struggle of an entire race, and I experience he writes them to leave equally his legacy. It's every bit if he wants to ensure that he leaves this world sending a positive bulletin to the young blackness people who slip through the cracks and believe all hope is lost. Some of my favorites include, "How Tin We Be Free", "And 2morow", "Government Help or My Soul", and "The hope". All 4 of these poems have powerful letters most our government and abuse. Tupac was passionate nearly questioning everything and rusting no one in a accommodate. He spoke out for a race that was still at war with the powers that exist and never backed down. I believe his verse volition continue to live on for many years to come and should be taught in poetry and artistic writing courses across the world. It's interesting to meet the difference in his rap and verse. His verse seems to bear upon the depths of his soul, places where rap music can't venture. It shows a beautiful human who is passionate about whom he is and he wouldn't cartel change annihilation virtually his life or struggle because it shaped his life. I volition leave you with 1 final poem to sum up his bulletin in full.

In The Event OF My Demise: Dedicated 2 Those Curious

In the event of my Demise

when my heart can beat no more

I Hope I Die For A Principle

or A Belief that I had lived 4

I will dice Earlier my time

Because I feel the shadow's Depth

so much I wanted 2 accomplish

Before I reached my Expiry

I have come ii grips with the possibility

and wiped the last tear from my eyes

I Loved All who were Positive

In the result of my Demise?


Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That grew From Concrete.Pocket Books. New York, 1999.

Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on Nov 21, 2019:

Really, I already hither some of the music of Tupac. I appreciate you shared about him.

Marker Tulin from Palm Springs, California on January 03, 2018:

Information technology's overnice you were able to write well-nigh Tupac's soft and poetic side. Not everyone saw that.

Kristina Pitts from Greenville, SC, The states on September 01, 2014:

Such a wonderful tribute for a dandy talent.

Brittany Kussman (author) from St. Louis, MO on March 11, 2014:

Thanks for the read! I'thou glad my hub touched you in a special mode.

Mista Famous(Blackness Cobra) on March ten, 2014:

Cheers very much, tears fill my eyes equally i read 'In the event of My Demise' i wish Tupac actually comes back in 2014, i just can't wait to see him. i love Tupacs works. i still believe he is not dead.

Mista Famous(Black Cobra) on March 10, 2014:

Thanks very much, tears fill my optics every bit i read 'In the event of My Demise' i wish Tupac really comes back in 2014, i just tin't await to run into him. i honey Tupacs works. i still believe he is not expressionless.

Brittany Kussman (author) from St. Louis, MO on March 09, 2014:

Thank you for reading! I am likewise a huge fan of Tupac and I idea writing a positive hub near his poetry would exist an awesome way to share his softer side. He was an excellent homo cheers again for the read!

Ryem from Maryland on March 08, 2014:

I love the way you put this hub together. I am a huge fan of Tupac's work and this just brought me to a warm place. Cheers for sharing!


Source: https://discover.hubpages.com/literature/The-Poetry-of-Tupac-Shakur

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